Yong Jung's Blog

TEDxwomen @BrynMawrCollege

All day Thursday, institutions, organizations and businesses from around the world streamed the 2nd TEDxwomen. The mission of TED talks is to spread ideas by providing a space for the brightest and most innovative thinkers to catalyze discussions.

TEDxwomen focuses on providing a space particularly for women and girls (some men too!) to inspire other women and girls.                                                                               This is Bryn Mawr- how perfect.

And this Thursday, in our 126 year history, Bryn Mawr hosted our first TEDx.                       It cannot be described in any other way…. it was awesome.                                                  I was inspired, motivated and hopeful. At the end of the day, I just felt so great

The talks allowed me to realize how grateful I am to be a Mawrter. The speakers at TEDxwomen spoke about the importance of confidence and the value of being one’s true self. In a world still discriminatory against women and girls and where media ignites and reinforces certain social expectations, being comfortable and confident with one’s identity is crucial to one’s happiness and success.

As a senior getting ready to enter into the “real world”, I feel as though Bryn Mawr has prepared me precisely because I am part of a community that supports me to become the best person I can be. I am surrounded by people who constantly motivate me. Not only am I surrounded by incredible peers, but brilliant, friendly faculty and considerate, hardworking (TRULY AWESOME) staff.

This community has shaped my college experience and who I have become.                      I am proud to be the person I am.

A friend once told me that when choosing a college, it is important not to base decisions on who you are, but who you would like to be.                                                             Anassa Kata

Also, one of my FAVORITE talks of the day was by Tiffany Shlain: http://www.livestream.com/tedxwomen/video?clipId=pla_edc18250-c690-4e79-85a2-357bf7ff58e2

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